Annie in Canada.

Summer brought us a string of visitors from Australia; one of whom was my dear friend Annie. An incredibly talented photographer, I'd been quietly following Annie's work since she was 16, and even then she was blowing my mind. We were lucky enough to have her stop by and stay with us during her travels around the U.S. & Canada. Having just returned from my trip to the Maldives, Mauritius & Reunion, I was hungry to get back into Canadian life and make the most of the summer—so we packed in as many adventures as we could, camping for a few nights in Banff National Park with our friends, showing her some of my favourite spots and visiting places I also hadn't been before.

It's hard to believe we only met in person in May last year, but our friendship feels as if it's existed all my life. I cherish deep soul connections, meaningful conversations and the ability to be both whimsical and sincere, heartfelt and boisterous, quiet and loud; to be able to look into another just as you look into yourself and know that they too are seeing you as you are. Annie is truly a light that many of us adore, even those that have only met her briefly, and my life is all the better for knowing her. I hope this is only the start of many years of adventures together.

Photos of me by Anwyn Howarth.


Tent Ridge, Kananaskis.


Two days in Paris.